Cluster member ROSE PAKOMI MALIMA runs the Musoma Widows' Association in Tanzania's Mara region. Here she shares why her work is needed and how the Cluster strengthens it. Widows in Tanzania have very few rights. When a woman’s husband dies, she's left with the children, but the property is taken by the husband’s family. So we suffer. I started the Widows Association so we can support one another. Together we are learning about the law, getting to know how we can help others, and claiming the assets that we produced with our husband.
We’ve built wonderful relationships with one another. When someone has a problem – like when a child is sick – then together as a group we all contribute a little so the child can get hospital treatment.
We’ve had great support from Cluster members. For example, Ostack is a human rights lawyer who runs a community legal aid programme, and he’s worked with us so we can understand our rights and how to fight for them. I can see opportunities to work with every other Cluster member too. For example, we want to generate our own income to fund our work. We've decided to raise chickens. Cluster member Majura runs an organisation that gives support to local farmers to help them produce more food – he's offered to work with us. Learn more about Mara Cluster on their web page.