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Covid-19 Community Support Fund

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Zambia's Chisekesi Cluster fed 400 children a week during a recent drought.

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Vikrant from Uttarakhand Cluster is co-ordinating relief efforts aiming to reach 1000 families.

Clusters exist to harness community strengths and address local challenges. During this pandemic, one challenge is present for many: hunger.


From the Himalayan foothills of India, to the plains of Zambia, our members are seeing their neighbours struggle to get food and medical supplies, and the income with which to buy them.

Could you give to our Covid19 community support fund?


Your money will go into a fund which will be used to strengthen the work they are already doing. We will send you updates on how it is spent.

Despite these efforts, the challenges are growing. And as a network of friends, we want to help each other.


Arukah does not usually hand out money. But these are extraordinary times, which is why we are asking for your help. 

Naturally, Cluster members are responding beautifully.


Some are supporting neighbours out of their own pocket. Some are fundraising locally. And some are co-ordinating relief projects. But they're all reaching people quickly and safely, in ways that bigger agencies can struggle to do. Here's how.

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Hormis from Rwanda Cluster has been sourcing food to feed his neighbours.

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