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Chabbs Cluster

Gwembe in rural southern Zambia was once a fertile region known as 'the land of milk and honey'.
Drought has since affected the area, and poverty has impacted its people. In 2014, local farmers and health workers formed a Cluster to find ways to restore the region to its former glory. They meet in Chabbobboma village, also known as 'Chabbs'.
Supporting Mothers
More women are giving birth in health centres as a result of Cluster workshops & home visits
Equipping Health Workers
The Cluster crowdfunded for a fleet of bicycles so that health workers can make more home visits
Youth Work
They offer mentorship and run events to help young people navigate their lives and identify opportunities
Sharing Learning
The nearby town of Chisekesi started its own Cluster, inspired and nurtured by Chabbs members

There’s so much power in connectivity. The more connected we are the better.
In 2016, Zambia's Ministry of Health named Mathews one of its 'most innovative' health workers.
He credits his involvement in the Cluster for this success. He trains other community health workers, and puts principles like SALT into practice in his everyday work.
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