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Podcast : The Story of SALT

In the mid-1980s, the AIDS epidemic posed a serious threat to the people and communities of Zambia. At the time, Dr Ian Campbell and his colleague Elvis Simamvwa were both working at a hospital in Chikankata, Zambia, where the rising number of cases was outstripping the capacity of the facility. They knew they had to take a different approach to change the situation.

In this episode, you'll discover how the SALT method came about and how listening and recognising the strengths of the community helped to change the situation.

Podcast highlights

The origin of the SALT method

Dr Ian Campbell and Elvis Simamvwa discuss the creation of the Salt method of community engagement during the AIDS epidemic in Zambia, highlighting the need to make a personal connection with communities in order to find solutions to concerns and problems.

SALT's key principles

Sharing stories, appreciating strengths, learning by listening and working as a team are all key principles of the Salt approach. These core principles enable solutions to be found by listening to the concerns and wishes of local community members, building trust and strong relationships. Salt is described as a holistic and experiential learning process that goes beyond traditional interventions.

SALT creates a lasting impact

Encouraging ongoing engagement with communities, Salt is not a one-off visit, but a journey that takes place over several years. The organic development of trust, the emergence of local facilitators and the positive results in health-related actions all contribute to the lasting impact of the method.

Listen to how SALT changed an entire community in India here


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