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Member Q+A: Kalsang, Uttarakhand

KALSANG is a registered nurse who is passionate about serving others in her community through teaching healthcare. She is also a member of the Uttarakhand Cluster. In this Q&A, she tells us more about herself and her work.

How did you hear about the Cluster and how did you become a member? I was working with the government in 2010 when I heard about a vacancy for a Cluster training officer. I expressed my interest and after making sure that I found someone to replace me at my previous position, I took on the role.

What do you do with the Cluster? I teach the Community Leader Health Training Course which helps Lay leaders and other workers who live and work in remote areas know how to provide family health care.

You currently live in Uttarakhand. What makes you proud to be from there? I love the weather in Uttarakhand! The people of Uttarakhand are also very welcoming and easily open their doors when I go to visit.

How does a normal day look like for you? I run my training sessions in the morning as early as 7:30 am. After the sessions, I visit the Lay leaders that I previously taught and check if they are on track with their health care work. We then spend some time together.

What is your proudest achievement in your Cluster? Normally, I would leave a job if I had misunderstandings with the people. But I have been in this cluster for 11 years! The leaders have walked with me and I have learnt a lot. I think my involvement in this cluster is a calling and I am very proud to be doing God’s work! Another big achievement is getting to teach the Lay leaders health care which is something that is new to them but has been very helpful to their work.

How do you relax when you are not working? I watch TV! I love Zee TV (a Hindi language channel in India) because the shows have good stories in them. I also love visiting people and having a cheerful time together.

Thank you for sharing Kalsang! We appreciate you!


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