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Q+A: Michael, UK Volunteer

Arukah Network benefits greatly from volunteers like MICHAEL SPRING. He helped our international forum run smoothly, but that's not the only exciting project he's involved in! Find out more here...

Tell us about your work and study. I studied International Relations at Exeter University in the UK, I wrote my dissertation on humanitarian intervention and international power politics. I'm currently working in an outdoor shop to save money for traveling in Australia and New Zealand. How did you come across Arukah Network? Your co-leader Elizabeth came into my shop to buy some climbing equipment and I helped her find what she wanted. We got talking and she told me about her work - she told me how Clusters share skills and knowledge in a community in order to help solve problems. I found it so interesting I said I'd really like to volunteer! You took a week off work to attend and assist at our forum! What will be your lasting memories of it? Yes, I took a week off because I didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet people from across the network and learn more about what you're doing worldwide. Meeting Robins (from Kericho Cluster) in person after having spoken via a videocall was a surreal and brilliant moment! I was also really impressed with Dorothy (Mara Cluster) and Linda's (Kericho Cluster) speeches on female leadership. I found Vachan (Uttarakhand Cluster) very personable and wise and I really enjoyed spending time with him. Tell us about the work you’re setting up with Robins at the moment. We're working on establishing an online shop for the Kericho Cluster, whereby members can sell their products and crafts to worldwide markets and generate income for themselves and their Cluster. In time we hope the shop will be available to all Clusters. What have you gained - and what do you hope to gain - from your involvement with Arukah Network? I've gained a much greater appreciation for the power of connectedness and sharing in community development and I really feel the Cluster model is an effective catalyst to empower people and communities to address issues and increase their wellbeing in their own unique ways. I hope to deepen the relationships I established at the forum and perhaps to visit some of the Clusters in the future! Thank you for your time and hard work Michael - our network is richer as a result!

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