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Uplifting Stories from Self-Isolation

With many of us in 'lockdown' or 'self-isolation' due to Coronavirus, it can be tempting to feel fearful or frustrated. That's why RIVKA SHAW from our network has assembled some stories of how people around the world are finding joy and connection during this time. Perhaps they will give you some ideas!

Staying active.

Lots of people are staying active by exercising from home. This tennis player in Lebanon found a creative way to keep training:

And in Penzance, UK, these two keep their spirits up by playing music and dancing.

Connecting with neighbours

Starting in China, the trend of singing from windows has spread around the world. People in Spain, Italy, India, the UK, the US, Brazil, Turkey, Croatia, Iraq and other countries have shared videos and photos of neighbours clapping, singing and playing music from their doors and windows. Sometimes this is to show appreciation for health workers and other essential workers. Sometimes it's just for fun!

Connecting through social media

Robins from our network says that his extended family have been staying in contact through Whatsapp, and playing games to keep each other entertained. One person will set a quiz question and everyone else will try to answer. 'Even though individually we are separated, it feels like we're together,' he said.

Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but others have been finding connection with strangers as well. Gareth Malone, the British choirmaster and broadcaster, started the Great British Home Chorus - an online choir who meet to rehearse virtually.

And the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, USA, challenged people to recreate their favourite artworks in their homes and share them on Twitter:

Connecting with nature

According to the Wildlife Trusts, "maintaining a connection with the natural world is more important than ever to ensure we're taking good care of our health and wellbeing." Many people have found that reducing social contact has allowed them to take greater notice of the nature around them.

In Llandudno, Wales, mountain goats have started roaming the streets since the UK has been in lockdown, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

And here is Elizabeth from our network appreciating the beauty of the natural world:

In a scary time, we hope that these stories and pictures can reassure or inspire. Do you have stories of your own to share? Please email

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