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Member Q+A: Sem, North East Cluster

SEM HAOKIP (pictured on the right above) tells us why he's got involved in Arukah Network via his local Cluster in North East India.

Where are you from? And what makes you proud to be from there? I’m from a small village in Manipur state in North East India. Manipur is a sports powerhouse. Many footballers and other sportspeople play for our national teams.

Tell us about yourself! My wife and I have two children. My wife works in the lower house of the Parliament, so you could say that I am a highly subsidised husband! I’ve worked in development since 1996 and joined an NGO called Edify in 2016. I used to run four schools. Now with Edify I support 180 schools in our region. We work with low-fee independent Christian schools in the state. We come alongside them in leadership, discipleship training and other programs.

How did you get involved in our network? Through my work I meet many school owners, teachers and children for whom access to quality healthcare is a big challenge, especially during the pandemic. During last year I reached out and a friend connected me to Dr. Sedevi Angami from North East Cluster. He introduced me to Arukah Network and the Cluster.

What attracted you to the Cluster? It’s encouraging to hear success stories from Arukah members. It's a blessing for me to be part of this network. And with Dr. Sedevi I have discussed a partnership in health education - his hospital is writing a health education curriculum for schools. When it is ready, we can pilot it in our schools. I'm looking forward to this! Giving health education to children from a young age will have a positive and multiplying effect in the long term. I am grateful to God for the way he has brought me in contact with Dr. Sedevi and Arukah Network to take this work forward.

What are your hopes for the future of your work and the Cluster? I'm now over fifty years old, and I want to invest the rest of my life in children and youth. My work is the opportunity the Lord has provided me to do this. I would love to share and learn from others in the Arukah Network as I do this, and I look forward to opportunities to be of some help to other members.

Thanks for speaking with us Sem! We're encouraged by your work.


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